Dog Daycare

Three dogs play on green grass: a fluffy large dog, a small gray dog, and a poodle mix with a playful demeanor.

Experience structured play and social time.

Daily Routine

At My Dog we do our best to keep the same routine every day.  When dogs are in a stable, consistent environment they are at their best!  We provide bathroom breaks or outdoor play (depending on weather) every couple of hours, along with calm rest periods throughout the day.  We incorporate structured play and social time with other dogs as well as our Care Team members.

Our furry guests receive lots of exercise, affection, cuddles, and belly scratches!

We love to play and exercise with your pup(s) at the Care Center! We have 7 outdoor play yards and 7 indoor daycare areas to help your dog to socialize and release pent up energy.  Our indoor play areas have Protect-All Flooring™ which is antimicrobial and ergonomically correct for maximum comfort and hygiene.

Our ample play spaces allow us to set your dogs up for success by integrating them by personality and play style, encouraging them to have more fun and less stress during the day.

If you wish your dog to have a meal here during the day, please provide the individually
bagged serving with your dog’s first and last name on each bag. 
We provide a private setting so they can eat without disruption!  Breakfast is typically between 7-8am, lunch is given between 11am – 12pm, and dinner is served around 5pm.
  A variety of Snacktivities and Novice Enrichment Activities are available for purchase to enrich your dog’s stay.

Half Day & Saturday

A la Carte:
Up to 5 hours
One Dog - $27
Two Dogs - $49

Half Day Package Price:

Buy 10 Days Get 11th FREE
One Dog - $270
Two Dogs - $490

** Take advantage of our exclusive double-dog discount. **

Additional Policy Information
listed below.

Single Dog Half Day package may be used for boarding early check-in or late check-out.

Daycare packages are not interchangeable.

Full Day

A la Carte:
Up to 12 hours
One Dog - $36
Two Dogs - $64

Package Price:

5-Days Discounted
One Dog - $175
Two Dogs -$312.50

Buy 10 Days Get 11th FREE
One Dog - $360
Two Dogs - $640

Buy 20 Days Get 3 More FREE
One Dog - $720
Two Dogs - $1280

** Take advantage of our exclusive double-dog discount. **

Single Dog Full Day package may be used for boarding combined early check-in & late check-out.

Daycare packages are not interchangeable.

Important Information

Daycare must be scheduled and is available Monday-Friday from 6:30am-7pm. Should you need to cancel or reschedule, please contact our office prior to the appointment time to avoid a $5 no-show fee.


To qualify for package rates with multiple dogs, they must attend on the same day, have the same owner/s and reside in the same residence.

Daycare packages are not refundable and expire 6 months from date of purchase.

Daycare packages are not interchangeable.

We offer Saturday daycare from 9am-4pm year round with the exception of major holiday weeks.

Monthly Daycare Memberships


7 Days of Daycare Per Month
$234.36/per month
Best for 1-2 Days Per Week
Can Be Used on Full, Half, or Saturday Daycare
Additional Full Days $32.76 Each
Priority Waitlist for Daycare & Boarding
1 Free Novice Enrichment Per Month
Choice of 1 Free Nail Clip or Tooth-brushing
Choice of 1 Free Snack Up to $1.75
LTD Time Grandfathered Pricing: 3 Months
Member Exclusive Promotions


13 Days of Daycare Per Month
$414.18/per month
Best for 3-4 Days Per Week
Can Be Used on Full, Half, or Saturday Daycare
Additional Full Days $29.52 Each
Priority Waitlist for Daycare & Boarding
1 Free Novice Enrichment Per Month
Choice of 1 Free Nail Clip or Tooth-brushing
Choice of 1 Free Snack Up to $3.50
LTD Time Grandfathered Pricing: 6 Months
Member Exclusive Promotions
10% Off Exit Bath w/5 Night or More Stay
8% Off Per Night On Boarding In Any Den


Unlimited Days of Daycare Per Month
$686.88/per month
Best for 4+ Days Per Week
Can Be Used on Full, Half, or Saturday Daycare
Priority Waitlist for Daycare & Boarding
1 Free Novice Enrichment Per Month
Choice of 1 Free Nail Clip or Tooth-brushing
Choice of 1 Free Snack Up to $5
LTD Time Grandfathered Pricing: 9 Months
Member Exclusive Promotions
10% Off Exit Bath w/3 Night or More Stay
13% Off Per Night On Boarding In Any Den
1 Free Night Boarding Per Month


Social Etiquette

While many dogs enjoy a group setting, others are not good candidates. It is possible that a daycare setting will not be suitable for your dog.  Sometimes dogs that do not have experience in a group setting need to learn social etiquette. We are trained to monitor that (such as a child going to daycare or school for the first time).   A dog that is aggressive, unstable, or overly anxious will not be suitable in a group play setting for the safety of everyone involved.



Dogs cannot attend if they have stitches, open wounds, fleas, or any contagious ailment(s), for the safety and well-being of all the dogs.  Dogs that are over 10 months old must be spayed or neutered to attend daycare.  Non spayed females can not attend during the duration of their heat cycle.



Rabies, Distemper Series, Bordetella, Negative Fecal Exam, Flea Preventative are required to attend daycare.

We recommend Flea / Tick Prevention, Canine Influenza, and Lyme Disease Vaccination.  Bordetella and Fecal Exam (with negative results) required annually.  Titer tests provided by veterinarians showing immunity accepted on annual basis for Canine Distemper, Parvovirus and Adenovirus.

Our dog daycare clients receive lots of  excercise and affection throughout the day including cuddles and belly scratches!

What our Daycare Paw-parents have to say:

My vet told me when I got a new puppy 4 years ago “ a tired dog is a well behaved dog. You might want to consider a doggy daycare” Truer words were never spoken 🙌 Now I have two doggos and they both love going to play with their friends while I work. They are also well socialized amongst other dogs & people. I could never replicate the social skills they picked up at daycare at home! We love My Dog's Care Center!
- Megan M. (Facebook)
Chunk loves getting all of attention from the staff, and socializing with all the other doggos! He loves to wrestle and run around and then come home an be a couch potato for a day or two! SPECIFICALLY- chunk loves that even after being cleared from his ACL surgery that the staff welcomed him back with open arms and was so excited to see him! It was like he never stopped going and everyone watched over him to make sure he didn't over do it going back to daycare the first few times. I am SO picky about who watches my dog, and I never have any fears when he is in your care. Lastly- with chunk being mostly English bulldog... he can be pretty lazy sometimes. He doesn't get excited over much unless I tell him he's getting fed or going to play at daycare. He jumps up and GETS SO EXCITED. so knowing that he loves it, makes me love it even more.
- Laurel K. (Facebook)
Sky has become more comfortable with other dogs, and is actually learning to play with them. She is also exhausted 🤪
- Selena F. (Facebook)

Daycare Application Process


**Daycare must be scheduled and is available Monday-Friday from 6:30am-7pm. Should you need to cancel or reschedule, please contact our office prior to the appointment time to avoid a $5 no-show fee.


Clients must create a user profile, fill out registration form, sign contracts, and provide proof of required vaccinations and negative fecal report no later than 2 days prior to your scheduled daycare appointment. Not all dogs are candidates for group play. We will evaluate your dog for suitability in group play and discuss our findings with the owner.  By working together, we can provide a consistent approach to helping your dog with social etiquette.

New Client Portal Registration
We will receive your information electronically after you register and will contact you to discuss how we may be of service.
Register As A New Client

Existing / Returning Client Portal Login
Login with your email address that you have supplied to My Dog, Inc. and your chosen password.  As always, contact us directly with any questions you may have!
Login To Client Portal

Request daycare services
Logo for 'mydog inc.' featuring a blue dog silhouette and words 'loving, professional, convenient, exceptional'.
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Phone:(724) 473-0049
Location: 132 Perry Hwy, Harmony, PA 16037
Mail: [email protected]

Three dogs sit in a sunny play area, with colorful toys in the background and a fourth dog in the distance.